Here at UR Stable in Greenville, we've had a flurry of activity over the past few weeks--2010 started with several new arrivals into the broodmare barn, the relocation of stallion
WILD DESERT to our stable yard, construction of new shed-rows, and preparing the foaling barn with heat lamps, towels, cameras, and extra straw. All of these considerations, married with the day-to-day demands of running a business and caring for horses, made the short January days seem endless in an already cold New York winter.
Yet this season, despite its desolation, brings with it the anticipation of new life and beautiful new faces to accompany us on our journey towards Spring.
Even after many years of delivering babies, each one holds such unique promise. The sight of a new baby standing for the first time both warms the soul and gives meaning to the work we trudge through in the ice and snow. To witness the miracle of birth, to watch a life enter this world in total wonderment and see firsthand the god-given instincts inherent in mare and foal is amazing. It refreshes our gratitude by reminding us of our most basic and still astounding privileges--to breathe and be sustained by the universe surrounding us.
Everyone has a passion, and mine is unquestionably horses.To me, it is so rewarding to take part in this process, and with my participation comes the awesome responsibility of ensuring a healthy life for this animal. At UR Stable, horses are part of our extended family! Here are two of the newest members, both born on February 2nd:

What a difference a day makes!
24 hours later Appro's little girl looks more

Appro (Stuka) affectionately kisses her new little girl
by Wild Desert born at 12:30AM on Feb. 2nd.

24 hours later at play ready to rock and roll!

Wild Desert - You be Nice (Jade Hunter) filly
born at 3:45 AM on February 2, 2010
Remember ... Every horse is a Blessing, Susan.